Sodium Carboxy MethylCellulose (SCMC)

A cellulose derivative which is a beta-(1,4)-D-glucopyranose polymer. It is used as a bulk laxative and as an emulsifier and thickener in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals and as a stabilizer for reagents.



HS Code:  3912

C.A.S number: 9004-32-4

Haz class: 2A

Technical Specifications

NaCMC content (dry basis)
min. 99.5%
Moisture as packed
max. 10%
Sodium chloride content (dry basis)
max. 0.5%
Sodium glycolate content (dry basis)
max. 0.4%
Degree of substitution
0.75 – 0.85
Sodium content
7.5 – 9.0
Sulphated ash content
23.0 – 27.0
pH (1% solution)
6.5 – 8.0
Viscosity, 1%,25ºC
2500 – 3500 mPa.s